
Keyboard Typing Course

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Keyboard Typing Course

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A TYPEWRITER WHIH USED TO ENTER DIRECT DATA INTO A SYSTEM CALLED KEYBOARD. THE DATA IS IN THE FORM OF ALPHBETS, NUMBERS, SYMBOLS, AND FUNCTIONS. We use a keyboard called qwerty keyboard which is the most commonly used worldwide. There are up to 100 keys on the QWERTY keyword.


Instead of plastic keys and contact layers, there are just two parts. On top, there’s the keypad part with all the keys molded from a single piece of flexible (rubbery) plastic. The underside of each key is coated with a small patch of electrically conducting material.

How many letters are on a keyboard?

An English computer keyboard has the same number of alphabetic keys as in the English alphabet, 26 keys for the 26 letters.
How many symbols are a keyboard?
On an English QWERTY keyboard, 40 symbols (!@#$%^&*) that are not letters or numbers on 28 keys.

Let us start…

We work according to day-to-day factors.

Day 1
let us learn how to adjust your fingers in a sequence to become fast typers.

Day 2
take your left hand on the keyboard.
type: asdf
pages: 5
font-size: 11
no spacing

Day 3
take your right hand on the keyboard.
type: jkl;
pages: 5
font-size: 11
no spacing

Day 4
take your left hand on the keyboard.
type: fdsa
pages: 5
font-size: 11
no spacing

Day 5
take your right hand on the keyboard.
type: ;lkj
pages: 5
font-size: 11
no spacing

Day 6 to 9

Day 6
take your left hand on the keyboard.
type: adsf
pages: 5
font-size: 11
no spacing

Day 7
take your right hand on the keyboard.
type: jlk;
pages: 5
font-size: 11
no spacing

Day 8
take your both hands on the keyboard.
type: add g h in your keys and type asdfg hjkl;
pages: 10
font-size: 11
no spacing

Day 9
take your both hands on the keyboard.
type: type the same backward (;lkjh gfdsa)
pages: 10
font-size: 11
no spacing

Day 10

take your both hands on the keyboard.
type: adgsf hk;jl
pages: 10
now, on the text day just check your page write timing which is less the 5 min if you are passed so you can perform me increasing your daily work. Now you can type up to 7 pages per day. now we can add some more keys with more pages. So these keys are ( Aq sw de fr ju ki lo ;p ) in the bracket all of the keys are used for your next 10 days and up next 10 days we will give you a complete alphabet but there is a condition according to roll and your practice we advise you to ad shift button for the shift button practice just type like this (Aq Sw De Fr Ju Ki Lo :p ) it’s the best way to improve your shift practice.

Typing Course Day 11 to 14

Day 11
type: Aq Sw De Fr Ju Ki Lo :p. Type up to 7 pages and you also know the font size will be 11.

Day 12
type:  add the Gt Hy type: (Aq Sw De Fr Gr Hy Ju Ki Lo :p)

Day 13
Type: :p Lo Ki Ju Fr De Sw Aq   10 pages.

Day 14
Type:  type both of these by blowing your hand up to 5 pages in the air.

Day 15

Type: Aq  De Sw Gt Hy Fr Ju  Lo Ki :p.

Practice days 16.
start to check how you can work perfectly and professionally just check your mind control first type forward and then backward and after check your time if you can type in 7 min one page of forward so improve but if you are complete try to type backward and check is same or a small difference between both of them. If you pass both texts just request your sister to give you some key from both top alphabetic lines and type without seeing the keyboard type 60 words in 60 sec if you are passed so just be ready for the next 7 days and there are the tuffs part of the typing course and if your pass in this part so just write some articles or books by using your college or school books seen and type without view your keyboard.

Let us start over 2nd last part of the course.

practice day 16 to 19.

Type: Aqz Swx Dec Frv with your left and up to 10 pages.

Day 17
Type: add gtb hyb and type: aqz swx dec frv gtb hyb jun kim lo, ;p.  type up to 7 pages and not your time at that stage. On every page how much you can improve your finger to perfect working on a keyboard.

Day 18
The same letter in a backward direction and check the time how much you can gain in 18 days and then check it by text to tell your, sister or brother, to give you a letter in 2 minutes and write 100 words in 2 minutes. At least 10 mistakes are enough, but give your best in the task because the course is for 30 days to become the best typer. Work hard and get rewards.

Day 19
write all of the from day 1 to 18 on some pages 1 day 1 page and create 18 pages.

Day 20

let us make your focus on the typing and don’t redirect your mind to other things. To get this focus you have to get tough training and make yourself hard.

Day 21

let us start with some numbers we are adding aq1z sw2x de3c fr4v bgt5 hy6b ju7n ki8m lo9, ;p0. But they are to tough so we are adding in a sequence.
(aq1z sw2x de3c fr4v ju7n ki8m lo9, ;p0,) just type up to 15 pages and relex

Day 22, 23

Day 22
add the other number aq1z sw2x de3c fr4c gt5c hy6b ju7n ki8m lo9, ;p0,  type 15 pages.

Day 23
Check how much you have gained and the type of the recent week at least on the page and check your time how much you can improve and if you are doing well so then the next day.

add the other number aq1z sw2x de3c fr4c gt5c hy6b ju7n ki8m lo9, ;p0,  type 15 pages.

Day 23
Check how much you have gained and the type of the recent week at least on the page and check your time how much you can improve and if you are doing well so then the next day.

Day 24

get two water bottles of 0.5 liters add water at least half of the water and get two long ropes also you can get your school show lasses and jugers. Bought both bottles with both hands and tried it’s a much hanger and longer distance with your hand and wrist. Make your hand in the air and start typing. Type the first 10 days of work and rest.

Websites day 25

Day 25
type the same work by hanging fill the bottles and start to type 2 pages of all the first 10 days’ work and check it to tell your friend or brother to check your typing speed. You can also use some websites games or software.
there are>>>

are some websites your you can check how much you can improve yourself by practicing like this one.

practice day 16 to 19.

Day 26

Start to write some more articles to check your last 25 days of hard work and how much you can gain in 25 days.


Day 27, 28, 29, 30

You can type some book pages up to 20 pages in this last day and create a complete page and learn how much you can imp


wahtsapp: +92 3076589178

Mail: rshirtr69@gmail.com



    1.     This 30-day typing course offers daily structured practice to improve typing speed, accuracy and endurance.

    2.     Each day’s exercises build on the previous day’s skills, helping you develop consistent typing habits.

    3.     By the end of the course, you will be able to confidently type quickly and accurately.

    4.     Use online typing tools to track your progress and continuously improve your skills.

    5.     With dedication and consistent practice, you will become an expert typist, well-equipped for personal and professional typing tasks.

    6.     Happy typing!

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